Ready Seafood’s Live Lobster Facility in Portland, Maine.
Live Lobster
Our live lobster wholesale facilities on the working waterfronts of Portland, York and Sorrento, Maine and Boston, Massachusetts feature hundreds of thousands of pounds of cold water live lobster holding capacity. Despite our massive holding capacity, our focus remains on quality handling, packing and distribution. Our unique two-tank one-touch system ensures our lobsters are only handled once before shipping. We pack and ship millions of pounds of lobster annually from our facilities to all destinations domestic and international.
Ribbon cutting at Ready Seafood’s state-of-the-art lobster processing facility in Saco, Maine.
Ready to Eat Lobster Products
Our brand new lobster processing facility utilizes the latest technology to produce delicious, quality lobster products. This facility uses state of the art cooking and freezing technology to ensure a consistent quality product. Our high pressure processing (HPP) machine enables us to produce our proprietary Cold Cracked Lobster, an all natural raw lobster meat that opens up endless culinary opportunities. Learn more about our amazing lobster products.