As the only processor/dealer founded by licensed lobstermen, we know that we wouldn’t be working today if it wasn’t for the long history of preservation in the lobster fishery. We’re committed to doing everything we can to ensure that the Gulf of Maine's unique ecosystem is protected and preserved for future generations of lobstermen and women.
Our Commitment to Education
As young lobstermen growing up on the coast of Maine we were inspired when local lobstermen would come into our classrooms and speak.
Students in Portland Community Squash’s College Gateway Program visit Ready Seafood’s live lobster facility on the Portland waterfront.
UMaine/Ready Seafood Graduate Student Nicole Orminski using a durometer to test the shell thickness of a lobster.
A one-year-old and a one-month old lobster from our unique industry-science research collaboration.
As a member of many communities, we understand that we have a responsibility to those we work and live with. Education is at the core of our community involvement and we are committed to educating and inspiring the next generation of lobstermen and women, scientists and stewards of the sea. Ready Seafood staff regularly visit and host local elementary, middle and high school students to teach them all about the lobster industry. Additionally, through Ready Seafood’s research projects, we offer college intern programs and host a graduate student as part of the University of Maine’s School of Marine Sciences.
Ready Seafood intern Abby Shaughnessy testing blood protein levels of lobsters in the wild.
Our Commitment to Sustainability
At Ready Seafood, we are proud to be part of one of the most sustainable fisheries in the entire world, but we are also proud to incorporate sustainable practices into all aspects of our business.
Ready Seafood is the only seafood company in the United States with an on-site marine biologist working on and funding projects across the region to improve our shared understanding of the lobster resource. When it comes to sustainability we put our money where our mouth is.
We are industry leaders in wastewater solutions and we have reduced our wastewater volume dramatically by pre-treating it on-site. Within the next year we will utilize our treated wastewater to irrigate our property.
Shell waste from our processing plant is crushed and converted into fertilizer, significantly reducing our waste stream.
Ready Seafood has developed custom re-useable coolers for some of our customers to reduce waste.
Heat exchangers for our lobster tanks, high efficiency light bulbs and plans for a major solar farm on our property all significantly reduce our energy consumption and our carbon footprint. With our solar farm, we aim to be the first carbon neutral seafood company in the country within five years.